Awards & Recognition Committee


The Awards and Recognition Committee shall direct CACEE’s efforts to value and honour its volunteers and innovators through a longstanding Awards and Recognition program.


The Awards and Recognition Committee shall:

  1. Find niches for possible new awards, research the value of each possibility, and recommend revisions to the National Board.
  2. Promote and gather nominations during the Call for Nominations time period (usually from late January to the end of February).
  3. Participate in a review of all award nominations and decide the winners of committee-chosen awards, and the final shortlists for the member-voting awards for approval by the National Board.
  4. Assist in ordering the awards and certifications that will be handed out at the Awards Ceremony.
  5. Plan and participate in the Awards Ceremony and the Volunteers Reception at the National Conference.
  6. Assist in updating the Awards and Volunteer Recognition records that will be passed on to future committees.

Composition of the Committee

  1. Shall be Co-chaired by a Full Member of CACEE and the CACEE Executive Director
  2. Shall reserve seats for representative from CACEE’s regional advisory boards
  3. May invite other members who may offer specific skills, experience or insight, as needed.
  4. May invite contributions from individuals, who shall not be committee members, as needed

Committee Members:


Chair, Awards & Recognition Committee


Corrine Bell (Co-Chair)

Trevor Buttrum (Co-Chair)
Insurance Insitute

Juliana Scharrer
Ryerson University

Lisa Kuiper
Brock University

So Jeon
Ryerson University

Erik Reed

Chantal Brine

Click here for more information on the committee.