What's New > You DO NOT want to miss the 2022 CACEE National Conference!

You DO NOT want to miss the 2022 CACEE National Conference!

November 15th - 17th, 2022
by Trevor Buttrum, posted on September 15, 2022

CACEE invites you to join the conversation at the 2022 CACEE National Conference hosted virtually from November 15th - 17th on Pheedloop!


With 3-days of dynamic content you can expect to engage in rich plenary discussions, build and hone your skills, foster and rekindle connections with 200+ career education and campus recruitment professionals across Canada, benefit from sharing best practices and exchanging ideas in roundtables with your peers, and equip yourself with the insights needed to support your day-to-day and strategic objectives.

Each day of the conference program will be anchored by the CACEE Competencies and focused on the critical issues, challenges, and opportunities that are part of the post-secondary to career landscape - Meeting Talent Needs, IDEA (Indigenization, Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility), and Digital Strategy.

There will also be programming tracks designed to address the unique needs of Employers, Senior Career Leaders, and Career Educators which tie into the conference theme of "Building Hugh Impact Campus Recruitment Strategies and Partnerships". Full conference program details will be available soon.

Be sure to register by October 7th to take advantage of the CACEE Loyalty Rate of $149 for Members and $199 for Non-Members.  This represents a significant savings and rates will go up to $249 for Members and $349 for Non-Members on October 8th.  Don't delay! Register Today!!

We cannot wait to welcome you to the 2022 CACEE National Conference this November!