What's New > CACEE Members Welcome to Perkopolis!

CACEE Members Welcome to Perkopolis!

by CACEE National Office, posted on January 20, 2012
CACEE is proud to offer access to exclusive discounts on tickets, hotels and other various events and products to all Members through our new discount partner Perkopolis!

How does the program work?
Perkopolis is a free, easy to use and exclusive benefit program that provides you with access to a variety of entertainment offers, hotels, products, and services.  You simply create an account, log into the website and add the product to your ‘shopping cart’.  Payment is processed online and the tickets/vouchers are delivered to you.  Attached you will find some of the current discount offers, you can also access the FAQs on the home page for more detail.

How do I sign up?

  • Click on 'Perkopolis' under Information and Resources on the menu on the CACEE website, or click here: http://cacee.com/cgi/page.cgi?_id=373.
  • Click the link provided to access the CACEE Perkopolis Launch page and follow the instructions on the screen.

You are now a member and on your way to great savings!