What's New > International Experiential Learning Institute (IELI) 2015
Mark your calendars for July 12-15, 2015 as Suffolk University hosts the third International Experiential Learning Institute in Boston, Massachusetts. In partnership with the National Association for Campus Activities (NACA), NIRSA – Leaders in Collegiate Recreation and Memorial University we are excited to bring 60 individuals from Canada and the United States interested in experiential learning together to hear from experts in the field and learn from each other.
The Institute will emphasize experiential education and how this kind of learning relates to campus engagement. Topics for sessions include: developing learning outcomes, experiential leadership training, effective reflection techniques, and assessment practices. Our Scholar in Residence for the event is Dr. Laura Osteen, Director of Florida State’s Center for Leadership and Civic Education and an adjunct faculty member in the Higher Education Department.
Learning outcomes for the event include:
•Meet professionals from other institutions internationally that are engaging students with experiential learning
•Learn how student engagement can be supported thorough experiential learning
•Gain skills to develop effective experiential learning practices on their campuses
•Engage in hands-on experiential learning activities
The days will be filled with learning about and/or adding to your knowledge in Experiential Learning, opportunities to share best practices, explore student leadership exchanges with other colleges/universities in Canada and/or U.S., and dive into experiential opportunities as part of the learning.
NIRSA is hosting the webpage and registration form which can be found at:
With a limited number of seats for Canadian participants we hope for representation from across the country from multiple institutions and organizations.
Hope to see you in July and if you have any questions please contact Jennifer Browne at jbrowne@mun.ca.