What's New > Career Challenge Reveals Canadians Need and Want Support Finding Career Satisfaction

Career Challenge Reveals Canadians Need and Want Support Finding Career Satisfaction

posted on May 8, 2015

(Ottawa, Ontario), May 6, 2015. Today, the Canadian Council for Career Development (CCCD) released their findings for the Career Development Challenge. CCCD found that while participants are eager to be satisfied in their careers, they aren’t sure how to access information and resources that could help them. Career development professionals are well positioned to bridge that gap to ensure Canadians are happy, engaged and fulfilled at any stage of their careers.

Nearly four thousand participants took part in the Challenge which was launched in November during Canada Career Week. The interactive quiz was a free, online tool that anyone could use to learn more about their personal skill and will as both relate to managing their career now and for the future.

“Results showed that most respondents had a strong curiosity to find out more about the career opportunities that are available to them, yet the majority of those surveyed indicated that they have not used resources like labour market information while researching employment,” explained Clarence deSchiffart, Coordinator of Career and Essential Skills at Student Services for the Nova Scotia Community College.

CCCD indicates that most Canadians don’t know how to interpret labour market information. When labour market information is released, it can appear like an encyclopedic ream of statistical data – like finding the proverbial needle in a haystack if you don’t know exactly what you’re looking for. This is where career development professionals can provide assistance.

“We can sketch out a map to help guide Canadians reach the next success on their journey. Fewer than 20% of career paths are linear. Most people need some guidance along the way to help navigate the uncertain terrain,” said Sharon Graham, Executive Director of the Career Professionals of Canada.

There is an emerging body of evidence that demonstrates the value Canadians place on career management. The Challenge results highlighted that most people value career growth and lifelong learning, and yet very few also indicated that they have sought the services of career management professionals. “Fewer companies are providing options for on the job training so it’s important for job seekers to know they can seek career advice from professionals to help bridge the gap, to achieve the next step in their careers. Gaining career management skills isn’t just for the school-to-work transition,” continued Graham.

“People see the need for coaching or advising with respect to their taxes, financial management, legal services, even their golf game but it has never occurred to most to seek professional career counselling or job transition coaching. Without guidance, it’s very easy to fall off course or miss opportunities on your journey towards career satisfaction,” adds Jessica Isenor, President of the Career Counsellors Chapter of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association.

Canadian employers say they can’t find enough people with the skills and experience they need for mission-critical positions. More than 40 percent of Canadian youth are unemployed or underemployed, and only 30 percent of Canadian workers claim to be emotionally and psychologically engaged with their work (Gallup).

“Career development professionals are here to assist Canadians achieve career satisfaction. The Challenge revealed that’s what Canadians want too,” concluded deSchiffart.


CCCD is a self-initiated and self-funded umbrella for career development groups from across Canada. It provides a national advocacy voice for the career development field and promotes provincial/territorial collaboration on common issues such as certification, training, practitioner mobility, quality service and building the career development evidence base. Visit cccda.org and click on Media Experts for an educated opinion on career management and workplace topics.

For more information, please contact:

Kalene DeBaeremaeker
Telephone: 613-233-8906
E-mail: kalene@impactcanada.com
