What's New > National Association Applauds CAMET Announcement; Urges Commitment to Colleges and Universities
BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2015-2016 Shawn Read Nancy Moulday Dan Relihan Colleen Bangs Corrine Bell Arzan Bharucha Trevor Buttrum Sherri Dickie Frances Humphreys Angela Kavanagh Rodney Larmand Eddie Piromsuk Lisa Russell
For Immediate Release:
National Association Applauds CAMET Announcement; Urges Commitment to Colleges and Universities The Canadian Association of Career Educators and Employers (CACEE) congratulates the Council of Atlantic Ministers of Education and Training (CAMET) on the release of “Future in Focus: Atlantic Career Development Framework for Public Education: 2015-2020”. Our association applauds CAMET’s commitment to “a strategic approach to career planning and development for public education students in Atlantic Canada” and we encourage other regions to follow the CAMET example. We will be sharing news of this announcement across the country so that our members in every region will be aware of these efforts. Christine Frigault, Chair of the CACEE Atlantic Regional Board reflects on the announcement, “As a career educator, I am excited at the prospect of working with students who are better equipped to manage their own career aspirations. We currently spend much of our time doing preliminary work with students so it is challenging to help them develop the advanced skills that lead to effective career management. This announcement gives me reason to hope for more.” This is undoubtedly a good news story, but the work is not done. In 2013, CACEE issued a Call for Action on Unemployment, Underemployment and Skills Shortages, in which we identified the need for enhanced career development in K-12 sector. The Atlantic Ministers of Education and Training have seen the same need, and are taking steps to address it, and that is a positive development. CACEE urges that they not stop there. College and University career support services are in desperate need of investment after years of budget reductions. “It’s great that Grade 12 grads will come to higher education with better career preparation. Imagine their disappointment when they discover that their higher education institution can’t offer them the support they need when they are so close to realizing their dream,” says Paul D. Smith, CACEE Executive Director. “I call upon the Atlantic Ministers to recognize the career imperative that drives most students, and to extend their career development investment into the regions colleges and universities.”
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