Webinar Series: Assessing the Impact of Career Services: Tools for Informing Practice and Communicating Value

October 21, 2021, 12:00 - 1:00 PM


Webinar Overview: 

What is the value of career services? What impact do career professionals make in the lives of the clients and students we work with? How do we know?  

Career professionals best advocate for our work when we have compelling responses to these questions. Program assessment is a powerful tool to help us “tell the story” of our programs, services and resources. The stories we develop demonstrate impact, providing a narrative to increasingly engage clients ineffective practices, generate greater support from administrators and funders, and inform our own practice to continually enhance intervention outcomes.   

This webinar series provides career professionals with the tools to clearly articulate a story of the impact of our career programs and services in students’ or clients’ lives. Session 1 explores different types of assessment strategies (e.g., needs, participation, satisfaction, outcomes) that can inform the development and enhancement of career development programs. We’ll examine clear illustrations of assessment activities that can be integrated into day-to-day practice. Session 2 invites participants to “begin with the end in mind” as we define our intended outcomes for clients. Those outcomes provide the foundation for developing assessment plans, introduced in Session 3. In this session, we strategize next steps and provide resources for implementing manageable and meaningful assessment projects.  

Why Career Practitioners Should Attend: 

This is a hands-on series filled with practical resources. Come to build your assessment toolbox and your confidence for exploring the impact that your career programs and services make in clients’ lives.

Webinar #1: Building a Framework for Assessment

 Understand a framework for assessment in career services, including:

  • Draw parallels between assessment and the familiar activity of storytelling
  • Recognize various assessment approaches and the questions they address
  • Gain experience using assessment data to tell the story of career service
  • Reflect on areas of your own practice where you envision focusing assessment efforts (Encouraged to practice application in-between sessions. May be shared with the instructor.
  • Build confidence in personal ability to engage in practitioner-engaged assessment efforts