October 29, 2021, 12:00 - 1:00 PM
Starting September 2021, join the CACEE West Committee on the last Friday of each month during their new Career Conversations series. Committee members will lead these informal sessions, addressing a question or topic of interest through meaningful and respectful conversation. As well, you’ll have a chance to share and hear the latest news and updates from other CACEE members. Stay connected with your peers!
Fall 2021 Dates: Fridays – September 24, October 29, and November 26 from 12 to 1 p.m. PST
Online registration via the CACEE Events page. No cost for CACEE members. $20 for non-members.
No cost for CACEE members & $20 for non-members.
October 29 | Committee Hosts: Richard Myers & Logan Lorenz
Tracking our Alumni: Is Career Services in the data business?
Have you ever been asked by a student “What can I do with my degree”? Or by a faculty member "Do you know where our alumni are working"?
How does your career service team try to answer these questions? Is part of your practice to discuss where alumni have found success in the labour market? Has your institution any data collection resources that help?
Join Logan and Richard in a discussion of this important area in our scope of practice. We want this to be an organic conversation between colleagues, no PowerPoint slides!