June 28, 2023, 1:30 - 2:30 PM
The CoP is driven and informed by the community it serves, with an intent to:
The infrastructure, logistics support, and technology underpinning the CoP will be provided by the Canadian Association of Career Educators and Employers (CACEE).
The CoP will leverage 3 platforms to engage and facilitate dialogue amongst its members:
** The Listserv will be open to all members of the CoP at no cost as a value-add to the sector. In order to attend future virtual and in-person roundtable sessions, members will need to be a part of both the CoP and CACEE.
An inaugural session for the CoP is scheduled for Wednesday June 28th, 2023 from 1:30 – 2:30 pm Eastern.
You can register below and there is no cost to attend. A zoom link and logistics will be sent to you in the days leading up to the session.
If you are interested in being a part of the CoP, but not able to attend on June 28th, please reach out to us at info@cacee.com. We are happy to provide you with further information and next steps alongside its official launch.
This CoP will best serve professionals with operational, strategic, and financial accountability for the career services function on their campus, in their faculty or at their institution in any region of Canada.
In the spirit of fairness, it is requested that only the most senior leader from each institution be a part of the CoP. The exception of course being, where there are leaders at a similar job level at an institution with multiple campuses, decentralized operations, or faculty-based career services.
** Please note that the Listserv will be open to all those in roles aligned to the criteria above as a value add to the sector. In order to be a part of future in-person and virtual roundtable sessions, members need to be a part of both the CoP and CACEE.
CACEE intends to offer additional CoPs as a part of our professional community tailored to the needs of frontline practitioners, disciplines/student identities, and employers. Stay tuned as these may also be of interest to you or your team!
It is commonly understood that the professional development needs and opportunities, challenges, and issues faced by Senior Career Services Leaders at Colleges, Institutes, and Polytechnics are distinct.
In consultation with the sector, it became clear that creating a CoP with a national scope would add significant value, foster greater opportunities for collaboration and best practice sharing, and further professional learning and development across the space.