"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?" - Albert Einstein
Research is key to producing knowledge and forms the foundation of program development and policies for many institutions and organizations across the globe.
The CACEE Campus Recruitment and Benchmark Survey is a compilation of information regarding the new graduate recruitment practices of employers throughout Canada. The survey establishes a number of benchmarks for recruiting practices ranging from the branding activities that Canadian employers take on in order to make themselves known and attractive to potential graduating employees to developing an estimated cost per hire for filling the positions these new graduate recruits will take on.
CACEE adopts the following timelines to conduct the survey and produce the results.
January – May: Survey Design and Review
June: Promotion of Survey
July / August: Survey in the field
September: Data analysis / Report Preparation
October: Release Report
This year, 920 employers responded to our survey, a new record, meaning we have a level of participation unmatched by similar surveys. The findings in the attached Report are therefore more valid, and reliable, then they have ever been. You will also find a change in the format of the Report - we have created a Recruiter Summary Report containing the important national data you need in a simpler to read format.
For the 2013 Campus Recruitment Report - Recruiter Summary, please click here.
For the 2013 Campus Recruitment Report- Educator Summary, please click here.