2012 Ontario Regional On-Campus Recruitment Conference

December 4, 2012

Thank you for attending the 2012 Ontario Regional Conference!


Below are some of the presentations that were made at the conference:

Behavioural Interviewing

Campus Outlook (Part 1)

Campus Outlook (Part 2)

Event Information


Click here to view the detailed Agenda which includes a short description of each workshop.

Workshop Schedule

Click here to view the Workshop Schedule.

Venue Information

The Pantages Suites Hotel & Spa
200 Victoria Street
Toronto, Ontario
M5E 1E1

Special Room Block Rate

The special room rate is no longer available. If you booked a reservation and would like more information you can visit the hotel's website here.


For information on sponsorship or exhibitor opportunities, please download the Sponsorship Package.

For more information please contact Caitlin or Carly.

Important Registration Information


If you wish to participate in the Recruiter 101 or Educator 101 workshop sessions, and recieve your Module 1 certificate, you must sign up for both Part 1 (Series B) and Part 2 (Series C).