National Conference this month!!

At the time of writing we’re counting down the days to:

  • 2009 CACEE National On-Campus Recruitment Conference – program is set, social events are ready, all we need is you to join 200 of your colleagues already registered!

This is a great time to thank our volunteers who have worked so tirelessly on the conference.

  • Voula Cocolakis, Co-Chair
  • Ron Perron, Co-Chair
  • Carol Naylor, Program Co-Chair
  • Howie Outerbridge, Social Chair
  • Shawn Swallow, Marketing Chair
  • John Stockwell, Vendor Showcase
  • Lynn Thomson, Program Co-Chair

Something new – student photo contest.

We will be sending this information to career centres and asking your help in posting and/or distributing to students.   Thank you in advance for your support of CACEE by making students aware of this opportunity.

Writers for Career Options: this is your opportunity to tell students the best ways to transfer from post secondary to employment.

Whether you have top 5 points for writing a resume, key tips for acing the interview or words of advice on working with Applicant Tracking System (ATS) – send them.

We need educator and employer input on employment related topics. 600-800 words; photos always welcome; original French content very much appreciated; deadline stretched to June 30/09.

On Campus Recruitment Process

  • how to make the most of a career fair
  • dress for career fairs and information sessions
  • how to impress an employer at career fair and/or information session

Employment Planning:

  • social networking and job applications
  • resume writing tips
  • interview skills
  • cover letters – necessary evil

Graduate School:

  • different types of programs
  • graduate programs in health care field
  • application process


  • employers’ tips on completing a successful work term
  • what to look for in a work term


Attend a special demo for CACEE members and learn about Going Global's new products. Remember that CACEE members receive a 20% discount to Going Global's database.

Canadian City Guides will be available in Summer 2009 for the following metro areas:

-Greater Toronto Area, Montreal, Vancouver, Ottawa, Edmonton, Calgary

The USA Career Guide series has been launched with employment guides for the 40 largest cities in the United States. Listings of H1B Visa Employers for each city is included.

More than 500,000 worldwide job and internship listings are included in the Going Global database...all postings are updated daily! Corporate profiles for the world's leading employers are included in the 80,000 page database with information on sales, revenues, and brands.


Enjoy a personal one hour tour of the highlights of Going Global's Career and Employment Database. View the depth and quality of this unique database, which contains country-specific career information, corporate profiles and worldwide internship and job postings.

JUNE – Tuesday June 2 and Monday June 15; JULY -  8th and 23rd at 10 AM and 2 PM EST

Advanced registration required, Contact:

CACEE Campus Hire Salary and Recruitment Benchmarking Survey

Canada’s only campus hire survey is in the final stages of the update process and will be released for employer input in mid-June.  Analysis will be available in mid-August to assist you during the on campus recruitment process; and in recruiting intern/co-op students.

This is the third year that we’ve produced this survey and each year the number of participating companies increases allowing up to provide a truly comprehensive picture of campus recruitment.  Even in times of little recruitment, the picture your input provides is essential in any discussion of new graduate employment.

All CACEE employer members will be receiving a copy of the survey, we encourage you to distribute to your networks. For information, please contact Anne Markey,

Concours de photographie pour étudiants

Vous recevrez bientôt les renseignements complets et un dépliant pour votre centre renfermant de l’information destinée à tous les étudiants, mais en attendant voici une introduction à ce nouveau concours.


Assistez à une conférence spéciale pour les membres de ACSEE et renseignez-vous sur les nouveaux produits et services de Going Global. Rappelez-vous que les membres de ACSEE reçoivent un rabais de 20% pour s'inscrire à Going Global.

En été 2009 nous lacerons les guides de carrière pour les villes  canadiennes suivants :

•Le Grand Toronto, Montréal, Vancouver, Ottawa, Edmonton, Calgary

La série « USA Career Guides » a été lancée avec des guides d’emploie pour les 40 villes les plus populeuses aux Etats-Unis.

Goinglobal contienne plus de 500,000 offres d'emploi mondiales et de stage qui peuvent être recherchés par industrie, pays et mots-clé. Tous les offeres d'emploi sont mis à jour quotidiennement! Une base de données de 80,000 pages contienne les profils corporatifs des plus grandes entreprises mondiales avec les informations de contact et les données de ventes, de revenus et de marques commercials.


Partez en excursion d'une heure qui vous informeras sur les points culminants du réseau de donnés de Going Global. Explorez la profondeur et la qualité de notre base de données qui contient de l'information spécifique a chaque pays. Vous trouverez aussi des profils corporatifs, des emplois et des offres de stage internationaux.


JUIN:   Mardi, le 2 et Lundi le 15 à 10 AM et 2 PM EST  JUILLET:   Mercredi, le 8 et 23

à 10 AM et 2 PM EST

Pour vous enregistrer, contactez:

La participation exige un accès Internet et un téléphone