Career Options Writer Guidelines

Submission Guidelines

  • Career Options magazine is published twice a year in September and January, and we accept submissions all year round
  • Please submit a 50-100 words summary of your article using the form at the bottom of the page, prior to sending a full version
  • The length of your article should be 600-800 words
  • The deadline for submissions for the January 2011 edition is October 31, 2010
  • All submissions should be sent to 

Style Guide

  • Appeal to a broad audience
  • Career Options is a national publication read by 150,000 university and college students across Canada each year
  • Keep your sentence structure simple
  • Be direct. Use active, not passive, voice. A hit B describes the event more concisely, than B was hit by A
  • Remember: less is more. Use less words to convey your message, be concise
  • Grammar, spelling, typos and formatting should be checked and checked again before submitting
  • Are your facts correct? Check for 100% accuracy
  • Cite all your sources
  • Read current and past Career Options articles on


  • Ask yourself: Is your article fun to read? Is your first paragraph a good "hook"? Is your writing lively and clear?
  • How relevant, new and compelling is the info? How is it presented?
  • Use bullets, steps, tips, numbers, "how to", "dos and don'ts", subheads, lists, questions, and balanced examples whenever possible to break continuous blocks of text


  • Avoid self-promotion and promotion of Career Options' competitors




Thank you for your interest in Career Options.